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  • Do Parents Stand a Chance Against the Trans Lobby? Part I

    Many people think “transgenderism” and “gender identity mythology” are progressive additions to the LGB civil rights movement, this generation's attempts at gender-bending rebellion, or at its least complex, a passing fad. There are, however, many parents organizing against what they understand as something far more sinister, an agenda being driven into schools by states and governments, behind parents' backs. For some parents, an online proponent also functions to prey on their teens, particularly females, adolescent vulnerability around body-image, exacerbated by puberty. These concerted cultural forces can exude the force of a global cult, drawing teenagers into being manipulated with promises of a pharmaceutical and/or surgical fix, causing life-long damage to young bodies. Do parents stand a chance against a powerful Trans lobby indoctrinating kids at every front of the culture? In 2017, in educational districts throughout the US (along with Europe, Australia, Japan, Canada, etc.), school districts adopted purported “anti-bullying” guidance measures for schools, for the protection of “transgender” students and those adhering to what constitutes a new mythology, “gender identity.” Though anti-bullying seems like a healthy pursuit, we have to ask why these guidelines have been adopted for children and teens who think they were born a different sex, no sex at all, or who don’t conform to the social sex-role stereotypes for their sex. The Williams Institute, an “LGBT” think tank, estimated in 2016 that only 0.6% of the US population identified as transgender. This was double the estimate they made in 2011. Current forecasts of teenagers identifying as transgender in the US estimate 150,000 or 0.7%, keeping in mind that "transgender" is an umbrella term for a panoply of fetishes, disorders of sexual development, and identities reflecting how young people feel concerning social, sex-role stereotypes. There are currently nearly 14,000 school districts in the US. This would mean there are, on average, between 10 and 11 teenagers identifying as transgender in any given school district. The prevalence of obesity for children in the US, by comparison, is 18.5% and affects about 13.7 million children and adolescents, rising to 20.6% of ages 12-19 years. This would constitute nearly 1000 teenagers per school district. Bullying is a common experience for many overweight kids and can have a devastating impact on their emotional well-being. Research on the severe emotional and social consequences to obese children is well documented. Why, then, are “anti-bullying agendas being forced into schools specifically for children and young adults with manufactured sexes, but not for children who are overweight? One would think the larger population afflicted would be attended to first, especially considering how much larger it is. More importantly, if schools were intent on teaching children how hurtful bullying is, it seems logical to address bullying in all its manifestations instead of singling out separate groups of children. The “anti-bullying” agendas for children identifying as “transgender” have arrived in schools at the same time that newly developed sex-health curriculums for children have been included in courses. The new curriculums include guidance in expressing sexuality versus education about male and female bodies. Sexuality, as it is expressed, is no longer the teaching domain of parents or the discovery of young adults once they pass puberty but has become an agenda forced on young people by the transgender lobby, governments, and states to normalize sexuality as identity, instead of an intrinsic part of oneself and expressed in many ways for many different people. Curriculums teach children that their biological sex is “assigned” at birth instead of observed. These school programs have been supported by the reading of children’s stories depicting children who feel they are born into the wrong body and showing diagrams to older children that portray sex as a feeling one has inside their minds as they relate to cultural sex stereotypes instead of biological reality. These programs don’t depict a need for respect for other children’s differences so much as they cultivate the idea that body dissociation is usual. Simultaneously, drag queen story hours happening in libraries around the nation, utilizing the fetish play of mostly adult gay men who perform in clubs instill the idea in very young children that they can be the opposite sex if they so choose. Children’s “gender clinics,” euphemistically called “gender expansive clinical programs,” have exploded in the US in the past decade. Children’s “gender camps” have emerged where children are learning that they are ok, even if they were “born in the wrong body.” Before these methods of indoctrination, coming in under seemingly progressive cover, children did just fine without government interference in their developing sexual lives. Still, now states and governments feel an urgent need to track data about children’s “gender identity.” For what purpose? What is “gender identity,” concretely? And why are governments, states, and institutions undermining sexual dimorphism in language, law, sports, politics, medical care, and crime statistics, and more frighteningly in the minds of children? See Part II and Part III of “Do Parents Stand a Chance Against the Trans Lobby?” This research depends on the generosity of readers. If you like what you are reading on the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription in support. Use this link for donations. Thank you.

  • From Transsexual to Transgender to Transhuman Part II

    In part I of this post, I documented the meeting that launched a global project to drive the normalization of what has become a body-denying ideology known as transgenderism. Martine Rothblatt, along with three other transsexual lawyers in the early 90s, worked together to create an international legal framework for the cultural acceptance of sexual identities that were not embodied in biological reality. Within a few years of the Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy (ICTLEP) driven by Rothblatt and Frye, two male lawyers in the US identified as transsexual and two more lawyers identified as transsexual in the UK, Rothblatt studied for a Ph.D. in medical ethics in London. He was granted a Ph.D. in 2001, based on his dissertation on the conflict between the private and public interest in xenotransplantation - any procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation, or infusion into a human recipient of live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source. Rothblatt is a tenacious and accomplished individual. He’s worked in Washington, DC, in communications satellite law. He has worked for NASA, was the CEO of GeoStar and the creator of SiriusXM Satellite Radio He also led the International Bar Association's biopolitical (an intersectional field between human biology and politics) project to develop a draft Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights for the United Nations (whose final version was adopted by UNESCO on November 11, 1997, and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 9, 1998). Rothbaltt, a self-professed transhumanist, is highly invested in human immortality. He not only believes we can live indefinitely but has created an organization, Teresam Movement to promote the geoethical (world ethical) use of nanotechnology for human life extension. Teresam conducts educational programs and supports scientific research and development in cryogenics, biotechnology, and cyber consciousness. Rithblatt has partnered with Ray Kurzweil of Google, promoting a screen adaptation of The Singularity Is Near. Rothblatt authored a peer-reviewed essay in 2008, published for the Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologies, entitled “Are We Transbemans Yet?” while he was still the head of United Therapeutics. The essay speculated about reinventing our species and coined a new term called beme. He wrote: “The bottom line of this essay is that in an Information Age society, the “beme is mightier than the gene.” This means that transmissible units of character or existence are more important than genetic information. For example, most people’s love-mate is a person with whom they share no genetic commonality outside of that which is in the general gene pool of their community.  However, a lasting interpersonal relationship is only possible if the two partners share a strong appreciation for each other’s bemes – their characters, natures, and ideational units of existence. “To say the “beme is mightier than the gene” is to disagree with the socio-cultural implication of “blood is thicker than water.” Most people’s strongest relationship, that with their spouse, or with a best friend, is not a blood relationship. On the other hand, bemes are not like mere water. A person builds up his or her bemes over time and evolves them as appears most conducive to an enjoyable life. More apropos than “blood is thicker than water” is “minds are deeper than matter.” “This essay aims to open our eyes to the fact that because our society is now based upon bemes more than genes, it must logically re-conceptualize its species boundary.“ A man with enormous power and resources, one at the root of the "transgender" and human genome projects, a lawyer changing laws to accommodate his views, is calling on humanity to breach its species boundaries. This should give us all pause. It is revelatory to see a year-by-year trajectory of Rothblatt's pursuits since he authored the first draft of the Transexual and Transgender Health Law Report in 1992. Please make a small donation of $2.00 to access this report. See Part I on this blog post here. This research depends on the generosity of readers. If you like what you are reading on the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription in support. Use this link for donations. Thank you.

  • From Transsexual to Transgender to Transhuman Part I

    Allow me to introduce you to a key figure in the emerging Gender Identity industry posing as a civil rights movement. Martine Rothblatt, born in 1954 is an exceedingly accomplished entrepreneur and lawyer, and the top-earning CEO in the biopharmaceutical industry. He also identifies as a transsexual and a transhumanist and has written extensively on the connections between transgenderism and transhumanism. As a member of the International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy (ICTLEP) since 1992, Rothblatt authored one of the first drafts of the Transexual and Transgender Health Law Reports, after meeting Phyllis Frye, another transsexual lawyer, in Texas. This document would later be referred to as the International Bill of Gender Rights (IBGR). Phyllis Frye has been referred to as the “grandmother of the transgender movement.” Though Rothblatt’s transhumanist preoccupations may garner him more attention, we must consider him as much of an influence in normalizing transsexualism (now transgenderism), as Frye. Together they launched a small meeting of transsexuals into an international project to drive transsexualism globally. A history of their meeting and subsequent growth of the transgender project in the culture can be found here. The Conference of Transexual and Transgender Law and Employment Policy became an international project once Frye was contacted by a transsexual identifying female in the UK named Stephen Whittle, now a professor of equalities law at Manchester Metropolitan University and president-elect of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) which has since developed an American branch (USPATH). Whittle too has been extremely instrumental in driving trans activism, especially in the UK. The Transexual and Transgender Health Law Report initiated by Frye and Rothblatt and then Whittle became a working draft for another global document and committee outlining transsexual/transgender rights in the UK, the Interdepartmental Working Group on Transexual People, advanced by yet another male, transsexual, lawyer, Christine Burns and set up by the Home Secretary of the UK in 1999. Membership at the Working group included representatives from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and the US. These four lawyers, all transsexual identifying, have been the main generators of a project to deconstruct sex within the law, on a global scale and to have it replaced with medical identities representing how they feel about their bodies. Martine Rothblatt has gone much further in this deconstruction process. See part II of From Transexual to Transgender to Transhuman here. If you like what you are reading at the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription to support this research. Thank you.

  • Dentons Law Firm Scrubs Website of Pro Bono Work for IGLYO

    "When an opponent says to me, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I reply calmly, ‘Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time, they will know nothing but this new community.'" – Adolf Hitler In January, following up on an article in the Spectator, by James Kirkup, I wrote about the collaboration between Dentons, the largest international law firm in the world, and Reuters a global media, tax, and law behemoth serving corporations, governments, and the human rights community. Reuters also interfaces with technology and AI. Together these two Goliaths were promoting their pro-bono work for a small LGBT organization, ILGYO, to construct the legal lie of the transgender child. IGLYO, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Youth & Student Organisation, is a network of 92 advocacy groups. Contrary to trans activist wishes, there is no medical evidence for children being "born in the wrong body," as the rhetoric goes. Yet, these two giants of the law were touting their legal help in creating this construct by helping to publish a guide for campaigners called '"Only Adults? Good Practices in Legal Gender Recognition for Youth". The guide advocates for children to be allowed to change their legal "gender" without the involvement of medical professionals or parents and says the state should take 'action' against parents who attempt to intervene. It also advises campaigners to be secretive about the changes they are lobbying to put into law. Shortly after Kirkup's report on Dentons, a new report emerged from the UK-based Law Society Gazette that Dentons had scrubbed its pro bono work for ILGYO from its website. The "Only Adults?" report, with its credit to Dentons, is still available directly from IGLYO. Let's be clear. The largest international law firm IN THE WORLD and a mammoth media, tax, and law conglomerate are advising transgender campaigners to be stealth in what they are trying to accomplish. What campaigners are attempting to accomplish, under the veneer of "gender identity" (no such thing exists in material reality) is allowing children to legally present as the opposite sex, to procure medical treatment with no medical diagnosis. The guide states that the UK should "eliminate the minimum age requirement at which children can change their legal sex of their own volition, without the need for medical diagnoses or court determination". The document stresses that there should be "no eligibility criteria, such as medical or psychological intervention." Almost as soon as the information about Dentons pro bono help with this guide was reported, the information was removed from their website. This is crucial information when attempting to understand what exactly is happening legally, across western cultures, under the guise of a civil rights movement. Laws, language, institutions are all being overhauled to embrace a lie about the very nature of what it means to be human, a sexually dimorphic species. This social engineering allows for medical experiments on healthy children's bodies. Children's delusions of being the opposite sex are being medically assisted to appear real and the largest law firm in the world is assisting to make this legal. This should be nothing short of terrifying for anyone with access to this knowledge. Most people think the "transgender" or "gender identity" movements are about accommodating people with a debilitating condition. What is actually emerging is an industry that creates medical identities out of sex, while simultaneously deconstructing sexual dimorphism within the law. The dangers of this deconstruction, when instituted legally, beyond what we are already seeing happen to women's sports, crime statistics, medical statistics, sex equity in the workplace, women's safety in prisons and shelters, and the abomination of medical experiments on healthy children, was expressed brilliantly in a recent tweet. Twitter is not known to be a bastion of sensibility but this could be the most important statement I can remember hearing about the newly emerging "gender identity" industry and especially its impact on vulnerable children. As well as pro bono works for the LGB community, Dentons provides copious pro bono work to promote the biology-denying ideology of "gender identity" being rapidly driven through western cultures, via law, language, and our institutions. A small sampling is below. The Trans and Gender Diverse Legal Service of Australia Out on Bay Street of Toronto The ACLU The LGBT Bar Association Dentons has also recently partnered with Paladin Software, with a shared mission of leveraging and adapting technology to reinvent the business of law, to help drive their campaigns. See here for more news on Paladin. If you like what you are reading at the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription to support this research. Thank you.

  • Capitalizing on the Destruction of Healthy Female Breasts

    The capitalist state and the Trans/Pharma Lobby are having difficulty reconciling the promotion of medical-sexual identities as progressive under a banner of LGBT civil rights, and an abhorrence of female genital mutilation (FGM). The World Health Organization (WHO) finds that more than 200 million women worldwide have suffered from the practice of FGM, which it labels a human rights violation.  Protecting girls and women from FGM have widespread bipartisan backing among lawmakers in Wyoming this month, who agree on banning it and see it as a violation of women’s rights.  Transgender activists express concerns that this recent bill, HBO127 to protect females, which soared through the house, will threaten the emerging Gender Identity industry. This is providing a quandary for lawmakers, pressured by the increasingly totalitarian Transgender (Pharma) Lobby. As the rise in young women identifying as men soar by astronomical figures in western cultures, young women are binding their breasts, having elective breast amputations and skin grafts to create fake penises, while ingesting synthetic hormones which mimic male hormones. This is being celebrated by governments and the media as progressive. The two realities of celebrating the removal of healthy sex organs as progressive and seeing FGM as a violation of women's human rights coexisting, cannot withstand scrutiny. They are diametrically opposed. In 2019, WHO rejected outright the idea that a desire to amputate healthy sex organs is a mental illness and discontinued that classification, as it flirted with a new term, "gender incongruence," in place of gender dysphoria. All through western cultures, corporations, Hollywood, politicians, and the media are glorifying body dissociation under a banner of LGB civil rights. In 2018, the NY Times new “gender editor” published “All in One Piece,” a memoir exalting the amputation of a young woman's healthy breasts, presenting amputation of healthy breasts as self-actualization.  And in a staggering display of cognitive dissonance, Cosmopolitan Magazine published an article denouncing breast ironing, in 2015, and subsequently another article teaching young women how to bind their breasts a year later. TomBoyX, Luna Pads, and Thinx corporations have all used the amputations of young women's healthy breasts in their ad campaigns, normalizing body dissociation and mutilations as self-expression, with barely any criticism in mainstream media. This reverence for the mutilation of young people's sex does not end with females. Jazz Jennings, a boy whose parents identified as transgender when he was just four years old, has created a rather lucrative business for themselves from Jazz’s medical identity, with a reality TV series, speaking engagements, and a children's storybook. "I am Jazz," the TV series documenting and celebrating Jazz’s “transition,” covered a “farewell penis party”, preceding his castration in the name of "gender incongruence”, on national TV. It seems every other week there is a movie star parading their newly announced transgender child in the media. Behind the façade of this progressiveness, lay the actual disruption of, or the future disruption of healthy body processes, such as puberty, the ability to have children, and a lifelong attachment to the MIC. Beholden to the Trans/Pharma Lobby, democratic candidates for president of the US are ignoring the harms being generated by this normalization of changing sex characteristics and are celebrating the mutilation of healthy young people in the name of an industry creating medical identities out of sex. At our root as humans, we are a sexually dimorphic species. Changing our biology to manifest some elusive “gender identity,” is not self-expression but a deconstruction of what it means to be human. It is not like getting a nose job, or a tattoo, it is chemically and surgically deconstructing sex and it is emerging as a profitable industry If you like what you are reading at the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription to support this research. Thank you.

  • AIDS and the Medical Marketing of Sexual Identity

    With the advancement of technological and medical developments, having sex and being a sex, under the system of capitalism, has become more and more profitable for the state. Pornography and prostitution and its corollary of sex-trafficking, have exploded across the globe since the 1970’s into multi-billion dollar industries, as has the surrogacy industry because of advancements in Tech and Pharma driven by capitalism. The LGB civil rights movement of the early 60’s and 70’s, a political fight for self-help and self-acceptance of same-sex orientated people, has morphed into a multi-billion dollar industry too. It’s not because of same-sex attracted people but what the capitalist state does to open its markets using sex. It has now created a financial food source for the medical industrial complex (MIC) out of sexual/medical identities, using same-sex attracted people, and those with disorders of sex, as their Trojan horse. It’s all profit driven and it is all rooted in the MIC. In the late 70’s the AIDS crisis was just beginning in America, as were new profit opportunities for the MIC. The sale of pharmaceuticals, medical research, supplies, etc. to gay men stricken with AIDS, rose fast. As gay men, lesbian women, and bi-sexual individuals, worked together to counter the social stigma of being same-sex attracted and its conflation with disease, while securing help for a cure, an identity was being solidified out of a sexual orientation, one that opened up marketing opportunities for corporations. Following on the heels of AIDS, emerged gay bars, gay cruises, gay bookstores, gay clubs, gay travel agencies, and LGBT NGOs. Today, if one looks to LGBT Pride-Week, one can see the advancement of the LGBT industry into every sphere of the global market. Identity sells. This marketing of sexual identities was born out of a medical crisis. If three identities are profitable, imagine four or five, or twenty, or 8 billion? Jeen T. Grace at Center for Hispanic Marketing and Communication provides some perspective while sharing thoughts at a marketing summit: “A common mistake in engaging an LGBT audience is to assume that the entire LGBT community is a monolith who share the same beliefs, ideas, and values. If you target everyone, you are not resonating with anyone,” Grace says. “Each individual within the LGBT community should be treated as a separate target market. Marketers should use different strategies for each segment of the LGBT community.” American LGBT consumers have a total buying power estimated at $830 billion, according to another corporation that participated in the same marketing forum. Two adult incomes with no children, which constitutes the majority of homosexual households, makes for a lot of extra capital to spread around. By 2000, the AIDS epidemic was brought under control in America. It was a large loss for the medical industrial complex. Gender Identity Disorders sitting in the DSM (American Psychiatric Association DSM 111) since the beginning of the AIDS crisis (1980), were to be the next medical crisis (body dysphoria) to be used to establish sexual identities emerging from a medical problem, to expand markets. The diagnostic entities for the DSM III were: Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood (GIDC), Transsexualism for adolescents and adults and Psychosexual Disorder Not Elsewhere Classified. Since then, these disorders have morphed into culturally celebrated sexual-medical identities under the LGB civil rights umbrella. This normalization process has been driven into our culture by elites in the MIC. This manifestation is called transgenderism, or gender identity. These new identities, emerging aside the LGB acronym, many of them requiring surgeries, puberty blockers, other untested pharmaceuticals, new technologies in plastic surgeries, and lots and lots of healthcare, are highly profitable for the medical industrial complex. Along side normalizing these medical identities is training being conducted to market to these new identities. Though LGBs have been turned into an identity via capitalism, unlike LGBs (and those with intersex conditions which are also being used as a capitalist trojan horse), these new identities, undermine biological sexual dimorphism. Homosexuality rests on sexual dimorphism (You can't have same-sex attraction without two sexes). The additions to the acronym not only divide and create new identities that can then be marketed to, they also open up markets for changing what it means to be a sexually dimorphic species. This deconstruction will continue on this trajectory, including melding humans with technological implants, AI and leading us further away from an intrinsic connection to ourselves and the natural world. It creates a mind/body split as if we could literally live as disembodied creatures, where sex lives in an ephemeral space of a floating mind, not in the body. Sex is literally disembodied by the identities that have been added to the LGB acronym. Gender Identity and the industry growing around it, is a corporate fox in the LGB civil rights hen house, light years away from anything constituting a civil rights movement.

  • Arcus Foundation - “LGBT” NGO, Great Apes and the Mission of Gender Identity Ideology

    What do great apes conservation have to do with the new Gender Identity Industry? I can just see you scratching your heads. Tracking the money flow behind the Gender Identity industry, Arcus, a Goliath “LGBT” and great apes conservation NGO, stands as a giant in the funding of institutions and driver of Gender Identity ideology into the marketplace. The institutions funded by Arcus must profess allegiance to Gender Identity ideology to see any of its funding (no allegiance to great apes necessary, to my knowledge). Its founder, Jon Stryker funds his foundation from his multi-billion-dollar medical corporation, so there is a lot of money for those professing allegiance. Trained as an architect, Stryker was the perfect person to create a political apparatus that has roots in America, but branches out globally to drive Gender Identity ideology. I’ll get to the apes in a minute. Gender Identity Ideology and its message is one of dissociation from our roots as humans within our sexed bodies. In the past five years, it has been rapidly and stealthily instituted into schools (from elementary schools to universities), cultural and civic institutions, medical institutions, legal institutions all over the world but specifically in western societies, and has been adopted by global corporations. This has created an industry within a capitalist system that will need to grow if it is to survive. Arcus Foundation is also heavily involved in the conservation of great apes, a noble cause if there ever was one. Or is it? The juxtaposition of institutionalizing our dissociation from our evolutionary roots in sexual dimorphism and the conservation of our evolutionary cousins, on the other hand, seems very odd at first glance. What do Arcus Foundation, the drive to normalize body dissociation, under a banner of LGB civil rights, and great apes have in common? The answer is the global south. Having already colonized most of the global north with its indoctrination of gender identity ideology, Arcus has set its sights on spreading its gospel to the global south. If you think "gospel" is just an analogy, consider that a team of Harvard professionals in the field of gender and youth use the word soul when writing about the "gender identity" of children. Like early religious missionaries, preaching their faith in a sky god to indigenous cultures, uprooting them from an integral connection to their land, Arcus is spreading the message globally of a new ephemeral god – gender identity. We can’t see this one either. Our connections to our land have long been eroded, the new mission has morphed into an agenda to sever our connection to our own sexed bodies. The new colonization looks a lot like the old colonization – on steroids. The new mind/body split happens to be more literal. Modern fathers of the new pharma/tech religion attempt to actually make the body conform to "the soul," with drugs and technology. Stryker’s architect degree has served him well in building a structure to spread “the word.” He offers “humanitarian” aid to those who are impoverished by the severed ties to their land base and each other. These ties are destroyed by land exploitation, and by ever-advancing technologies untethered to any ethics, under a capitalist system run amuck. Arcus is here to “help,” preaching a technological/medical fix to this disconnection – a disconnection it helps to create and then solidifies through its normalization of body dissociation. Not to mention, one that profits the medical corporation from which Arcus is nurtured. Is it a coincidence that the great apes live in the very same regions, which are now being colonized by Arcus, spreading the word of the new god of gender? Asked in an interview in 2017, why he chose to shift his funding focus for “LGBT” rights from the global north to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, arguably three of the toughest regions for “LGBT” rights, Stryker noted “we were already working in two of these regions because of the great apes work. We fund ape programs in Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Southern China, Indonesia (Borneo and Sumatra), Malaysia, and various countries in Africa. Is this a coincidence, or is the foresight of an architect building the structural political foundation for an ideology's advancement? You be the judge. If you like what you are reading at the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription to support this research. Thank you.

  • Dentons’ Legal Lie Migrates to Canada

    Dentons' Law firm pro bono work for Trans has migrated to Canada, creating legal fictions of human sex. Out on Bay Street, operating as Start Proud Dentons lawyers in Toronto are counsel to Out on Bay Street, operating as Start Proud, a non-profit organization that provides professional development opportunities to students and young professionals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or as allies. Dentons regularly advises Start Proud on corporate governance and commercial matters and is currently providing trademark advice to assist Start Proud in its expansion and rebranding process. Previously, Dentons helped Start Proud transition as a not-for-profit company under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. Dentons is also the legal sponsor of Start Proud’s annual conference and, for the past three years, has organized and hosted a moot competition for law students that focuses on LGBTQ legal issues. Friends & Company Community Enhancement Society Lawyers in our Vancouver office provide ongoing corporate pro bono legal counsel to Friends & Company, a not-for-profit organization that organizes LGBTA events to support the anti-bullying and teen suicide prevention initiatives of Out in Schools. TRANSlation: Global legal behemoth, Dentons, provides the legal apparatus to Out in Schools for driving the body-denying dissociative ideology of Gender Identity into elementary schools, indoctrinating children that they can be the opposite sex. Note: see other blog posts on Dentons’ work in constructing the legal lie of the transgender child. This research depends on the generosity of readers. If you like what you are reading on the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription in support. Use this link for donations. Thank you.

  • Inside the Gender Identity Industry

    In 2011, while the US and the world were riveted by headlines of a second mass shooting at Virginia tech, the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant, and the death of Moammar Gadhafi, most Americans could never imagine what was playing out behind the scenes. Jon Stryker, the heir to a medical fortune and founder of Arcus Foundation, the most potent LGBT non-governmental organization (NGO) in the U.S., fed by Stryker’s stock in his family's medical empire, was building a powerful infrastructure to drive the normalization and institutionalization of synthetic sex identities, the first medical identities. In 2014, Time Magazine published a cover photo and feature of actor Laverne Cox, a man posing as a woman. Cox was purportedly ushering in a “transgender tipping point.” He'd had multiple surgeries to change the appearance of his secondary sex characteristics and was dressed in culturally ascribed feminine attire; long hair, make-up, a dress, and heels. Though Cox was to be exhibit “A” of a transgender tipping point, before this date, "transgenderism," morphing quickly to "gender identity," was not at the forefront of most people’s minds, so there was nothing evident that preceded that moment which would constitute a “tipping point” having been reached. Yet, suddenly, "gender identity" was everywhere – as if something had been generated behind the scenes (there was). Six years later, we had "transgender celebrities," "transgender athletes," "transgender CEOs," "transgender health coverage," and "transgender students." Language emerged specific to these individuals, laws rearranging reality for the rest of the world to accommodate them, new school curriculums for children and adults, new medical protocols, hormone availability, chest binders, packers, youth gender clinics, camps, modeling agencies and beauty products, etc., arrived on our social landscape like a nuclear assault - all for a tiny fraction of the population with an issue that has no known medical cause. "Transgenderism" is the first “medical condition” reported to cause intense body dysphoria for many (significantly as it impacts children) that is simultaneously promoted as identity and being celebrated throughout western cultures. This is the first time in history that body dysphoria of any sort has been promoted as something to celebrate and as a medical identity in what is shaping up to be a prolific industry. People who identify as a sex other than their own, young women who have had voluntary double mastectomies of their healthy breasts, are being used in corporate advertising to sell everything from underwear to shaving cream. Behemoth Law and media conglomerates create amicus briefs and legal support guides to drive the normalization process. Lawyers are being trained worldwide, and global organizations are built for the specific task of normalizing this medical identity. Who profits? The obvious answer is the medical-industrial complex, with lifelong patients needing drugs and surgeries. These people will suffer the consequences of these drugs and surgeries as they age. Still, the medical-industrial complex is not the only industry invested in normalizing and preparing for the growth of medical identities. In 2011, while America was thinking about other things, Yvette Burton was brought to Arcus Foundation as its new chief executive officer. For over a decade, Burton was a managing global business development executive, business transformation strategist, and market development research director for IBM’s Sales and General Business Services divisions. She has also led IBM’s commercial strategy for global LGBT partnerships and advised numerous multinational companies on their internal and external outreach to the LGBT community. Before Laverne Cox’s Time Cover announcement of a “transgender tipping point,” Arcus Foundation was driving the normalization of this new medical identity, under the banner of LGB civil rights, not only into our institutions, legal and political structures but also into the marketplace. With the guidance of the Arcus Foundation, hundreds of companies have continued to expand inclusion for individuals identifying as transgender across corporate America. Over 80 percent of the Fortune 500 have explicit gender identity protections; two-thirds have "gender-inclusive" healthcare coverage; hundreds have LGBTQ+ and Allies business resource groups and internal training efforts. Of course, there is the issue of public bathrooms. In 2016 North Carolina attempted to hold onto their sex-specific public restrooms. HRC, the gender lobby group, engaged 206 corporations worth trillions of dollars to roll back the state's bill. The bill (HB2) called for the continued protection and safety of women and girls via sex-specific bathrooms. The gender lobby was able to curry the favor of significant corporations toward less than one percent of the population who desire to be seen as the opposite sex, who increasingly reject biological reality in favor of a political ideology causing untold harm across many western cultures. We are witnessing the birth of an industry, one that rejects biological reality. If we continue allowing this social engineering, we can expect other medical identities to emerge, identities that will need medical and technological interventions for life to exist. These identities will be protected by laws that are now being implemented, purportedly to protect feelings, but are, in reality, legally deconstructing biological sex and what it means to be human. See here for a visual list of corporations investing in normalizing new medical identities and corporate investment in the Gender Identity industry. This research depends on the generosity of readers. If you like what you are reading on the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription in support. Use this link for donations. Thank you.

  • Dentons’ Legal Lie Migrates to Australia

    Dentons Law firm pro bono work for Trans has migrated to Australia, creating legal fictions of human sex. Note: see other blog posts on Dentons’ work in constructing the legal lie of the transgender child. This research depends on the generosity of readers. If you like what you are reading on the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription in support. Use this link for donations. Thank you.

  • Constructing The Legal Lie Of The Transgender Child - Part II

    In my last post, I speculated about why Dentons, the largest law firm in the world, and Reuters, a media, corporate tax, and law conglomerate are interested in constructing (For Free!) the legal lie of “transgender children.” In an effort to find answers to anything, my MO is to always #FollowTheMoney.  Let’s follow the money trail back from ILGYO, the small LGBT NGO for which Dentons and Reuters collaborated on a guide. ILGYO is part of the Transgender Europe network, the most extensive funding and political apparatus driving the normalization of synthetic sex identities in Europe. It consists of 129 member organizations across Europe and Central Asia in 44 different countries.  TGEU is, in turn, funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars by the Arcus Foundation, one of the two most potent LGBT non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in America, whose founder supports his foundation from the profits of his medical supply corporation.  So we have a medical corporation worth over 19 billion dollars (up to $19.4B in 2023), whose heir is funding the normalization of medical identities for children from his medical fortune. Arcus supports myriad global programs to drive the idea that children can be of the opposite sex, such as Gender Spectrum and GLSEN (whose founder, Kevin Jennings, was brought to Arcus in 2012 as Executive Director). This pattern is repeated by other corporatists with heavy investments in Big Pharma, such as George Soros, who has substantial stock in CVS, Johnson & Johnson, and other medical/Pharma corporations.  Soros’ Open Society Foundation is working to construct, along with Arcus and TGEU, the idea that children being medicalized for life is just another way to be human.  This new way to be human, for children being funneled into youth “gender clinics,” involves dangerous drugs and medical procedures that assist them in hiding the fact they are either biologically male or female. In 2013, Arcus Foundation brought over Adrian Coman from Soros' Open Society as the Director of their Human Rights department. Warren Buffet is another billionaire with substantial stock, along with Soros, in CVS.  He, too, owns stock in Johnson & Johnson (61 million shares).  Buffet has provided enormous funding to his offspring"s NGO, serving the LGBT Gender Identity narrative, in collaboration with Arcus Foundation. And what is this “gender recognition” for youth, constructed by those invested in the medical industry exactly?  We do not have a clear, legal definition of gender identity that is not tautological.  The Yogyakarta Principles + 10, is the document applying international human rights law, which initiated "gender identity" as a legal concept.  It has been driven by money from Arcus Foundation, through our political structures and defines gender identity as “each person's deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender.” Aren’t we talking about biological sex?  Biological sex is what is being linguistically and legally deconstructed in the global push to change the definition of female to include male, not gender stereotypes.  The erasure of sex on birth certificates, passports, medical reports, crime reports, and even credit cards is about the erasure of sexual dimorphism.  Including men in women’s safe houses and sports under the guise that they identify as female is a denial of biological reality. What we can see in this trajectory is a clear money trail from the pharmaceutical lobby to the construction of a legal lie that supports newly constructed medical identities that override biology.  Biological reality is being legally queered; it would appear to pave the way for more complex changes to human biology. Children’s bodies are being used as fodder for this experiment. This experiment is run by the wealthiest global corporatists who naturally use the most prominent legal structures (Dentons and Reuters) to construct their lies. The laws being built are not to protect people who wish to express themselves differently than gender stereotypes allow but to legalize changes to human biology. See part I of this blog post here. This research depends on the generosity of readers. If you like what you are reading on the 11th-hour blog, please consider a donation or paid subscription in support. Use this link for donations. Thank you.

  • Constructing the Legal Lie of the Transgender Child - Part I

    If you missed James Kirkup’s article last month in the Spectator, about the tactics of trans lobbyists, go now, read it! I’ll wait. Kirkup unearthed a document by Dentons Law firm that reports on the current state of laws and NGO advocacy in eight countries in Europe, with a focus on the rights of young people identifying as transgender. Kirkup asks an important question that the media has yet to answer. How has a certain idea taken hold in so many places so swiftly? The idea pertaining to the unearthed document that is taking hold so quickly is that of the “transgender child.” Though I am interested in the “how” that Kirkup tracks beautifully in his article, I am also intensely intrigued with why (and I think you should be too) giant charitable, media, tax and law conglomerates such as Dentons and Reuters are interested in transgenderism, which impacts less than one percent of the population - especially children being diagnosed as transgender, which there are even less of. Why are Dentons and Reuters invested in a tiny, by comparison, LGBT NGO? ILGYO is a European network of 92 lesbians, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth and student organizations. Why are Reuters and Dentons driving the normalization of "transgender children" (children with manufactured sex identities) as if there were scientific proof that any such subset of humans exists (There isn’t)? Certainly not in the biological sense. Children who experience body dysphoria about their sex, up until very recently, were so rare a phenomenon no one ever heard of them. Now we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 + “gender” clinics in the US (the largest serving 1000 children), treating a condition that is considered at once, disordered enough from the norm to need clinics, drugs, medical oversight, and the halting of puberty but also normal enough to be considered just another way to be human – hence the guidance from Reuters and Dentons. Reuters is a global media, tax and law behemoth serving corporations, governments, and the human rights community, which also interfaces with technology and AI. Denton’s, by its own estimation, is the largest law firm in the world. In 2015, as reported by Reuters, Dentons merged with the largest law firm in China, Dacheng, which together will create the world’s largest international law firm, comprising more the 6,500 lawyers in 50 countries. Thomson Reuters Foundation’s legal clearinghouse, Trust Law, connected Dentons and Nextlaw to IGLYO. This project is the first fruit of the partnership between Trust Law and Nextlaw Referral Network, announced in September of 2019. Dentons and Nextlaw Referral, the largest legal network in the world, have created the guide, entitled “Only Adults? Good Practices in Legal Gender Recognition for Youth”, providing a user-friendly overview of best practices for legal gender recognition for people under 18 based on self-determination. (Read: massively influential corporate structures are being used to create systemic social change driving the normalization of the idea that children can be the opposite sex if they say they are). Nextlaw Enterprise is Dentons’ wholly-owned subsidiary of innovation, advisory, and technology operating units. Nextlaw Enterprise is comprised of: Nextlaw Labs, a strategic innovation catalyst, Nextlaw Ventures, a venture capital firm focused on legal tech, Nextlaw Referral Network, the largest legal network in the world; Nextlaw Public Affairs Network, the world’s most comprehensive public relations, and public affairs platform, and Nextlaw In-House Solutions, a strategic advisory focused on the business of law. This is an enormous amount of power and money driving an ideology that only announced itself in the culture in the last decade. There were no "gender clinics" for children before 2007. There are now hundreds in North America. See part II of this blog post here. Are we to believe that all these children were just too inhibited to announce themselves before 2007 and suddenly, they're arriving in droves and need the oversight of the largest global legal structures to promote and legally affirm their reality, based on a medical identity? We should want to know why this is happening. I certainly do.

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