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What Does “Sex is a Spectrum” Mean?

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

The non-sensical logic that sex is a spectrum, brought to us by the growing gender identity industry, is a new advertising campaign slogan. First, there was “Trans women are women,” which, when unpacked, simply means men are women. Gaining traction is a new slogan, the notion that we are not a sexually dimorphic species, that we are not born as male or female but that there is a unifying theme between the extremes of male and female that constitute a spectrum of sex – which obliterates sex the same way “men are women” erases sex.

Disorders of sexual development are known as intersex conditions. Much to the chagrin of the tiny part of the population who have these disorders, they have been politically co-opted to help solidify this falsehood of sex being a spectrum by powerful elites with a big agenda. Intersex conditions do not constitute additional sexes, but this is how their condition has been used by the gender lobby. There are only two gametes - Male and Female. According to the gender lobby, people with intersex conditions need to be liberated from the “social construct” of sexual dimorphism. But the notion of a sex spectrum places a tiny fraction of people with intersex conditions outside the human race, which is sexually dimorphic. Intersex conditions are used as a political cudgel to drive gender identity mythology and the idea of sex as a spectrum.

Interestingly, the root of the word spectrum from Latin means image or apparition, including the meaning specter, a source of terror that is not physically present. Spectral evidence is testimony about what was done by ghosts, persons not present physically. And this is precisely how the sex spectrum presents in the discourse of gender identity mythology because there is no proof of a sex spectrum, nor anyone that is not a male or a female. There is no sex change. All of it is an apparition. There is only an illusion - a terrifying one - because it is rapidly making its way into the language, discourse, institutions, and law by powerful men with deep investments in technology and pharmacology, the things needed to uphold the specters of "transgenderism" and "transsexualism."

"Transsexualism" is a male sexual fetish, an obsession with being aroused by the idea of oneself as a woman. Its roots are in body dissociation and the objectification of women. Until now it wasn’t a lucrative market for the medical-industrial complex. That is until it was repackaged into a profitable identity called "transgenderism." The mythology of transgenderism currently being worshipped in society is raking in money. More importantly, the changes to the law that solidify the specter, afford the gods of tech and Pharma the right to breach the boundaries of our sex.

Toward this end, what “sex is a spectrum” means is less important than what “sex is a spectrum” does as it enters the lexicon, law, and the social fabric. Beyond what the state has done to objectify and commodify women's sexed humanity with the porn, surrogacy, and prostitution industries, the state is now deconstructing sex toward the abolition of sex. If men can be women and sex is a spectrum, women can have penises; men can give birth, sperm can be injected, eggs harvested and transplanted, embryos grown in a dish, wombs transplanted; sex can be removed from birth certificates, health records, and crime stats then we are being dissociated from what it means to be human, a sexually dimorphic species, whole beings. We may still have sex for a time, but being one-half of the sexually dimorphic species will become obsolete.

The corporate drive for “Inclusiveness and diversity” and the money pouring into normalizing the dissociating fetish of transsexualism rebranded to "transgenderism," brought into the marketplace, and our institutions simultaneously are not about including all people. They are meant to solidify an illusion of a multiplicity of sexes, and identities to be marketed to and profited from until our sex becomes a marketplace and ceases to be sex at all.

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