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Full-Monty Cannibal-Stage Capitalism is a Bloody Orgy

Writer's picture: Jennifer BilekJennifer Bilek

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

Transgenderism, as I have claimed so often, is a giant ad campaign by Big Pharma, getting society comportable with body dissociation, for the the elite agenda of transhumanism. It is the rebranding of transsexualism, a sexual fetish of adult men, in which men dissociate and objectify female biology as part of their fantasy. The first man to give legal structure to the normalization of this fetish of dissociation and female objectification is one who identifies as both transsexual and transhuman. I have written about Martine Rothblatt elsewhere, and his role as ideological architect of the transgender movement and its advancements toward transhumanism. It is my assertion that we are closer to this unfoldment than most of us are really comfortable contemplating.

In a 2018 article in CounterPunch, Nozame Hayase, gets to the beating heart of the transgender/transhumanist corporate agenda. "In many ways," she writes, "the recent hype of “fake news” reflects this counterfeit reality that we are all surrounded by. Waves of whistleblowers in recent years revealed that we live in a kind of simulation intervened by government and corporate media propaganda."

Hayase guts the illusion of democracy we are all spellbound by. Her vision is like a laser. "It is this morality rooted in our relationship to the environment that corporate culture has been trying hard to eradicate. Agendas behind transhumanist movements can be seen as the ultimate goal of transnational corporations. The rise of corporate power turned civilization against nature. Multinational agricultural biotechnology corporations like Monsanto have assaulted life by monopolizing seeds and poisoning food with GMOs.

And now the corporatists have come for us, the last frontier of the natural world. Our wholly sexed beings are being deconstructed for profit. Women and children are at the front of the line.

Nowhere have I seen this corporate propaganda on such blatant display as in this recent live streamed conference in Toronto, where Johnson & Johnson (J&J), a behemoth multi-national medical corporation, is selling desexing, the removal of healthy sex organs of young women, as progressive, to a very welcoming audience.

Watch carefully, as two Pharma mafia king pins, use the carefully constructed corporate sales pitch (now going on globally at all major corporations simultaneously) of diversity and inclusion (D&I). In not one, but two brief introductions by two J&J "employees," amounting to eight minutes, the phrase (D&I) is used seventeen times, or roughly twice a minute. The "surgeon" (I prefer eugenicist) J&J has brought in to help sell body dissociation and female dismembering as progressive, makes a joke to the audience, which everyone embraces. After announcing he is paid by J&J to speak, he says, "I have no other disclosures." Cue: audience laughter.

J&J's soldiers are selling the desexing of teens, amputating the healthy breasts of young women, as totally "normal." Their hit man, McEvenue (I cannot bare to call this man a doctor), balks that there used to be actual gatekeeping around this process. McEvenue’s patients “are not disordered in their thinking,” according to him and the crime syndicate for which he works.

J&J has been supporting what has become LGBT Inc, a subsidiary of Big Pharma selling body dissociation for profit otherwise known as gender identity, for at least the past decade, along with other multi-national pharmaceutical corporations.

This support is framed as (D&I). The (D&I) program is not meant to drive acceptance of diverse categories of humans (rah, rah BLM, women in the workforce, and same sex attraced individuals), but this is the sales pitch. The (D&I) sales pitch is cultivating the ground for the physically augemented humans that will be following the "gender" brigade. This is why corporations care about the identity issues of a mininscule part of the population, growing exponentially, of people who want to destroy their sex characteristics.

Will this Big Pharma sales pitch go over? These mobsters know that giving double mastectomies to young women who want to pose as men, is a hard sell - “a sensitive topic," says their hit man, McEvenue, "but a fun one too, because he loves his job.” Has their propaganda thus far, taken hold? McEvenue convinces them that he may cry if he talks more about his patients. Cue: more audience laughter.

This is the most soulless bunch of corporate tripe I have ever witnessed in my life and the fact people in the audience are laughing, shows just how far down the rabbit hole we have gone. To believe the mutilation of young people’s healthy sex organs, so they can appear as the opposite sex, no sex, or some made up sex, is a wonderful new miracle of medicine is to be less than human, a hypnotized drone. These men and the crime syndicate behind them, frankly, make the Italian mafia look like harmless snake oil salesman in an episode of Carnivale.

J&J have created an entire department, Open & Out, within their corporate structure. to drive the madness of body dissociation for profit as normal.

McEvenue, selling desexing as a “remarkable and amazing” journey also used the word inclusivity six times during his segment of the sales pitch. He likes you to think his “affirming” young people’s identity with surgical knives is normal. He used the word "normal" twice in his pitch to refer to this butchering. Remember: “It’s not a disorder at all!” (2+2=5). McEvenue works with his teacher, Dr. McClean at the McClean Clinic in Ontario, where they have perfomed, to date, six hundred of these surgeries, rising from one in 1999. Three hundred and thirty of these double mastectomies of young women’s healthy breasts were performed in 2018 alone. McEvenue is bubbly when he talks about Instagram and social media as revenue drivers that run themselves and joked about deleting negative comments. 70% of the young women he mutilates are also on testosterone. This is all framed as a human rights issue to express oneself and any negative thoughts or expressed uncomfortability by the medical community, McEvenue frames as discrimination, left over from another era. The fact these are not activists speaking here, but purportedly medical professionals, and pharmaceutical giant employees, should give anyone with a pulse, the fright of their lives, but the audience loves this staged performance, laughing and clapping in all the right places like trained seals.

It took me two days to get through this video because I felt myself engulfed in flames of rage each time I tried to watch it.

“This is the future,” McEvenue states, discussing the McClean training program for other surgeons. “There is no way the McClean Clinic will be able to do two million surgeries (Is that salivating drool I see at the corners of his mouth?)." This is his estimate of people that "fall between the binary of male and female" in Canada. “Some of these individuals” he explains, “have gender dysphoria, others have chest dysphoria and still others just want a more masculine appearance. It is all part of a spectrum of gender expression,” he claims, “that has a biological component (this brazen lie is later repeated by his mafia boss)." McEvenue even attends Pride Parade to show support for his patients. One hand washes the other in this corporate orgy of cash covered in the blood of young, mutilated flesh.

To make sure their Pride, Pharma, future under a rainbow banner is a success, McEvenue and J&J roll out a mother/daughter (remade into a mock man) team to solidify their (D&I) sales pitch. After personal stories by mother and daughter, that sound like a repeat of every other difficult but triumphant family story we've heard endlessly over the last eight years, of a young person who wants to destroy their sex characteristics and the family drama surrounding the announcement, mom rolls out the suicide trope. You’ve heard this one too. “ I’d rather stand beside my child, than on top of their grave.” Sniff, sniff…..wipes tear from eye…..and McEvenue, unleashes a suicide statistic for young people wanting to destroy their sex organs that is 50% higher than that of the general population. The audience gorges on these lies. McEvenue "really likes to keep his presentations positive," but he couldn't resist highlighting and solidifying that statistic in the minds of the audience.

We have hit full-monty cannibal-stage capitalism and are now consuming ourselves. We are the last frontier of the natural world and if we don't stand up now, unified, as humanity, it is over.

If this J&J audience is not also staged, another propaganda simulation, I don’t want to know about it because I might lose the will to live. Sharing a species with these people makes me feel humiliation for being part of the human race. Then again, it seems like that problem won’t be around much longer - not if the future McEvenue and his crime syndicate backers forsee, and are helping to forge, have anything to do with it.

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