Jennifer Bilek

Nov 12, 20237 min

Genspect: The New LGBT NGO Framework

"'Every good cause begins as a movement, becomes a business and eventually degenerates into a racket"

- Eric Hoffer

Genspect, an organization originating to help children process their feelings about

what is marketed to them as gender identity, and parents who’ve lost their

children because of it, has morphed into a new type of LGBT NGO. It’s messaging,

like the word “transgender” itself, is without borders and people are noticing.

On November 4-5 th , Genspect had a major conference in Denver, Colorado with

speakers discussing everything having to do with the gender ideology leviathan.

The Bigger Picture conference certainly was big.

I write about the money that drives gender ideology propaganda, which makes it

look like a medical issue (and simultaneously akin to the human rights issues for

lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals), so I don’t invest in the idea that children are

having a medical problem. Therefore, I no longer support Genspect. Of course,

once you start treating a propaganda problem medically, you create a medical

problem on top of a propaganda problem, which then feeds the narrative that it’s

a medical problem. Just look at poor Jazz Jennings, a young boy who once liked

sparkles and rainbows, who is now a grown man posing as a woman, and who’s

now been through medical castration on his once healthy body, and two

subsequent surgeries on his synthetic genitalia.

Since I have researched this issue for a decade, followers of my work have asked

me to weigh in on the confusion and anger some felt at seeing a man parading his

autogynephilic fetish and marketing his book about his paraphilia, at the recent Genspect

conference. His book promotes the destigmatization of his fetish, by rebranding

his autogynephilic compulsion “autoheterosexuality.”

Autogynephila, otherwise known as transsexualism, is the male sexual compulsion

to own womanhood. It is at the root of what is becoming an industry in synthetic

sex characteristic commodities, being marketed to children.

Genspect exists to help the families harmed by the normalization and

industrialization of this fetish-turned-predatory-industry, and the fetishists

themselves. Attempting to help them both, as a public organization, was a bad

idea to begin with, and now that Genspect is growing, so are their problems.

I had a look at Genspect’s conference schedule. I’ve come to respect the work of

several of the speakers who were showcasing their analysis. But, putting them

all together in one conference, belied the lack of focus this organization has that

generates so much conflict. The itinerary mirrored the hydra of gender ideology

itself, and this hydra is staggeringly incoherent when you look at the entire beast

at once.

Genspect wants to be too many things to too many people. They want to

serve two masters, just like LGBT NGOs who want to support LGB and TQ+.

Everything after the LGB in the acronym attempts to undermine the sexual

dimorphism upon which LGBs exist (along with the rest of us).

Genspect wants to hold onto a medical (psychiatric) idea of gender, while trying
to undo the harms the medical profession is doing to kids in creating imaginary
sex categories. But unless medical professionals are moving children and families
away from a medical paradigm and helping them to understand how they have
been indoctrinated, they simply concretize the problem.

There are no “transgender children” (or adults for that matter), and there are certainly no
children with the adult male sexual fetish of autogynephilia, which the medical
industry is marketing.

Dr. Miriam Grossman is the one therapist I know who uses her
skills as a psychiatrist to help people caught in this cult, to process their feelings,
while speaking out publicly and clearly, that children are suffering highly
advanced and penetrating, technological and political, cult indoctrination.

Dr. Grossman is also in private practice. She has not attempted to turn herself into an

Genspect creates a medical feedback loop because they have created an NGO.
They don’t try to move people out of the problem by offering support and then
education about what has happened to them (indoctrination). They support its
continuation, like all LGBT NGOs are doing (I wrote about this in 2022).

Just like transsexualism has been rebranded to “transgenderism” by other LGBT
NGOs, to make transsexualism more appealing for marketing to the masses,
Genspect has rebranded the LGBT NGO model to a Gender Framework, making it
more welcoming and novel for people who don't know what is going on. It’s a way
to capture them to a more moderate way of dealing with the problem (Not too
quick with the drugs and scalpels, please!). But they are selling the exact same
narrative. They promote “gender” and “transgenderism” as real, as if they have
coherent definitions. They tell families that medical attention (psychiatric) can
help people. They promote individuals who attempt to disown their sexed reality, as
spokespeople, and they suggest that children have a multiplicity of “genders.”
This has been going on since Genspect was initiated. Their new “Gender Frame” is
of course the same gender spectrum that other LGBT NGOs suggest exists, with
less of a thrust on medicalization. This is expressed clearly on their website:

“Our international organisation includes professionals, trans people,
detransitioners, and parent groups who work together to advocate for a non-
medicalised approach to gender diversity.”

Do they need an entire organization of medical and other professionals to explain
to children that they can wear clothes typically associated with the opposite sex?
What do they mean by “gender diversity?”

(From The Bigger Picture conference)

Genspect also claims to support LGB people, and that they are intolerant of
homophobia, while supporting the concept of “transgender people,” and a
spectrum of genders (diversity of genders), which has helped undermine the
entire progress made by the LGB civil rights movement since its inception. A
diversity of gender promotes the violation of the boundary between the sexes.
This supports the duplicitousness of the LGBT model, like other LGBT NGOs.

Genspect has no interest in tearing down the gender industry. They are now an
international organization that relies on the continuance and growth of there
being a gender problem if they are to subsist, just like any LGBT NGO.

This isn't advanced physics. It is standard operating procedure. If I have shown nothing else
in my work, I have shown how this works. Just look at Genspect's position:

"There are many routes that may lead to the development of distress over an
individual’s gender. Equally, there are just as many routes out of such distress.
That’s why we would like to see a wider range of treatment options and more
evidence-based approaches to gender-questioning children and young people."

More “treatments!” More research! More funding, for the many different
reasons children might be distressed about "their gender," sans propaganda that
there is such a thing.

Marketing is key, and Genspect’s marketing is getting tighter and slicker, if not
more coherent. Their euphemisms for what amount to a eugenics project are no
less disturbing than any other LGBT NGO. “Gender questioning children," and
"distress about their gender" do nothing to convey the brutality underway in this

This could go on indefinitely. And rest assured it will, until we decide to stop it. I'm
not holding my breath; I just think it’s a good use of my time to try and beat back
this dangerous, repetitive, nonsense. For those thinking I am too extreme, someone needs to be the adult in the room. I don't think Genspect is fully conscious of what they are supporting or how they are turning into the new LGBT NGO model. They are not malevolent, but, neither are most people functioning inside most LGBT NGOs today, saying that they want to protect gender children. They become excited about helping. They get other people involved. They grow
their NGO to get information out to more people. They lack self-awareness
because a lot of people are now involved. They’ve secured some wins. Expressed
concerns, outside of their narrative, are seen as a threat and shut down. The
women expressing safeguarding concerns about an adult male fetishist at the
Genspect conference were framed by supporters of Genspect, as ego-driven
purists, narcissists, pearl clutching feminists, and extreme, not unlike the TRA
mantras: Nazi, far right, bigots, meant to shut them up.

The more transsexualism is standardized, and discussed, by Genspect and other
LGBT NGOs, the more men present themselves with it. They want to be talked
about, noticed, and examined, and the more damage is incurred by doing so. With
this reinforcing feedback loop, more men with this compulsion are being put in
positions of political power, like the recent state senate win by Danica Roem in
Virginia, who has clearly stated he will go about changing policy for “trans
children.” Does he mean children with an adult male fetish like his own (should
we be allowing men to project their fetishes onto children?), children who have a
type of body dysphoria, children who have autism or who are presenting with
confusion about their sexed reality for other reasons, children who are
indoctrinated on social media by influencers and medical professionals, or kids
who are expressing a rebellion about strict sex-role stereotypes? What exactly
does he mean by “transgender children?”

Genspect seems to be setting up this same projection of the adult male fetish of
autogynephilia onto children, creating a whole new prototype of kids (teens with
AGP) and the experts to “treat” them. Again, I don't take obliviousness as
malicious intent, but in the end, does it matter?

Genspect doesn’t threaten the status quo. If they did, they would not have been
allowed to grow as they have.

People who address the problem with straightforward political campaigns that
don’t medicalize the issue of male fetishists, create far less confusion for people,
and are viciously attacked. Kelly Jay Keen, a women’s rights campaigner in the UK,
was almost trampled to death in New Zealand this year, for promoting the fact
that women are adult human females.

Genspect, just like every other LGBT NGO, thinks they are solving a problem when
they are the problem. They are solidifying gender ideology. After a decade of
resistance, we are desperate for saviors and grasping at straws. But, you cannot
win a political battle engineered to undermine humanity’s sexed reality, which is
marketed to us as a medical issue, with a counter medical paradigm.