Jennifer Bilek

Feb 7, 20215 min

Gender Identity is a Massive PsyOps Obscuring Eugenicism

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

Gender Identity, having only entered the cultural lexicon less than a decade ago, is being advanced by global organizations in the rapid transformation of nations, language, thoughts, perceptions, institutions, and laws.

The state is deconstructing material reality, toward and in hopes of, an eventual simulated reality, where we do not live in bodies tethered to the land, but in cyberspace. This is the long-arm quest of the gender identity industry (read: Big Pharma and Big Tech as they control the state). The vision of this goal has been mapped out by its founding father, a pioneering transsexual, transhumanist who is nothing, if not tenacious toward his goals. Martine Rothblatt believes that human sexual dimorphism is tantamount to South African apartheid and sits at the root of the gender identity industry as it cascades through massive and global LGBTIQI+ organizations obscuring a eugenicist movement. He has written at length about transgenderism as a road map toward transhumanism and the deconstruction of sexual dimorphism.

I have addressed the corporate profiteering of the gender identity agenda in many posts and articles. I don’t often flesh out (pun intended) the narrative of the social engineering aspect, other than to say the ultimate goal is transhumanism. Transhumanism is part of an even greater quest of post-humanism. This project is being discussed all over the world, including the World Economic Forum.

Consider that our finite planet cannot keep going indefinitely, under the weight of a global financial system that is laying waste to it, by most reports. It is headed for at least a parting with human civilization soon, and more likely our entire species, unless something is done. The idea of transhumanism takes on a bit more seriousness than it probably would to most people, at first glance, when considering options for species survival. Where are we going to put all the people if the earth cannot sustain us and people keep reproducing? Some must go, while an agenda of digitalizing us is brought to fruition, if the human “species” or a successor species, is to survive. Though melding us with robots is getting closer and closer, an inevitability according to the richest man in the world, we are not there yet and we are running out of planet to support the tech to get us there. How much planet is left to mine, to create the kind of energy and infrastructure to manifest this dystopian, technological religion and what will we do with the waste created in this process? The Amazon rain forest, the lungs of the earth, are quaking under pressure, and there are entire dead zones in the ocean that are so bad, the new CRISPR technology, used to alter DNA, is being used to recreate dying coral reefs.

What could be a very positive development toward this goal is the sterilization of more and more young people, as they ingest wrong sex hormones and have their sex characteristics mutilated, for the profiteering of the medical-industrial complex. We now have 69 “gender expansive clinics for youth,” dotting the landscape of the US alone. The largest of those facilities is treating/sterilizing 1000 children at a time. Ten years ago, there were zero of these clinics. Young, healthy, pliant, resilient bodies are perfect specimens of surgical and medical practice for the greater and greater fusion of humans with technology and AI. This is all part of the transhumanist agenda, toward a speculative post-human existence (total disembodiment via digitalization)

I know, I know, it sounds downright insane.

Is it more insane than the idea, which people are mindlessly repeating, that humans can be born in the wrong bodies, that men can be women if they say they are, that sexual dimorphism in human mammals (and most species) is not real? Or that corporations, global governments, and politicians all of a sudden care about real human rights? Is it more insane than believing we must overhaul our language and laws, and all of our social institutions for a minuscule part of the population with identity issues? And why has the narrative of these individuals catapulted from people suffering from gender dysphoria to choosing to “live one’s authentic life,” as they sew themselves to the medical-industrial complex for life?

We are living through a massive PsyOps (state, military, or police psychological operation), attempting to cultivate our comfortability with body dissociation (gender identity) toward more progressive avenues of disembodiment. Most people believe this is a human rights campaign, as it is stitched to the umbrella of a once real social justice movement for same-sex attracted individuals. But this is driven by state, corporate, and philanthropic money by billionaires invested in the medical-industrial complex, Big Tech, and supported by the global banking industry. All of these industries are poised to profit massively from greater and greater artificial “enhancement” of human physiology. The laws being passed globally to rid our minds of sex and replace it with gender identity are for those physiologically altered humans they are paving the way for, not the tiny percent of the population with identity issues. The now-famous robot, Sophie, has already secured citizenship in Saudi Arabia. This is why the state is promoting body dissociation as normal through consumer products and marketing, fashion, media celebration, and Hollywood.

The merging of humans with robots and tech is already well underway. These developments are being discussed on TedTalks, various media platforms like Analytics Insight, Forbes, The Economist, and many others. University courses in robotic ethics and posthumanism are plentiful, as are programs in AI in general. Political debates are happening on social media platforms, but only those in academia and the elites get a say as to how this will all play out in society. It is not a democratic process in the least and our acceptance of this human merging with technology being cultivated at some fronts as a human rights movement is also being tyrannically driven by the state. In a 2016 conference/debate on whether we as citizens should trust in the potential of AI, Martine Rothblatt suggests that this process of accepting AI will be democratic, that we can trust in this because debates like the one he was engaged in will help manifest fair and good AI. But Martine Rothblatt, along with other elites, through a façade of a human rights agenda, has usurped not only the same sex attraction human rights movement of LGBs but feminism, the civil rights movement of blacks, and Intersex conditions (a disorder of sexual development) as tools for their agenda to drive the normalization of disembodiment globally through the machinations of LGBTIQ NGOs. These entities are now working as subsidiaries of the medical-industrial complex toward deconstructing material reality via sex, specifically female sex and its life-giving properties.

Rothblatt and other elites want to make you believe that the corporate profiteering and the headlong rush to manifest their vision, is about corporations caring whether black people, women, individuals with intersex conditions, whether they are same-sex attracted or otherwise, should be met with respect and dignity. Corporations don’t care about anything but profits and no amount of “diversity and inclusion” jargon selling you on the idea of their concerns for us, will make it otherwise. Their concerns rest with "including" their transhuman specimens and the profits to be derived from that inclusion. This is the real "diversity" they are championing.

When the corporate state is doing a hard sell on their concern for human rights, be they those of black people, those with same-sex attraction, individuals with disorders of sexual development, women, or others, you better start paying attention to what they are really trying to sell you. You cannot promote human rights, while simultaneously attempting to change laws, language, and society to support disembodiment and transhumanism. They are mutually exclusive.

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