Resistenze al Nanoworld

Nov 7, 20212 min

🇮🇹 The Italian Zan Bill and Resistance of Transhumanist Reproduction







A representative of the Rainbow Families and the Italian Left during the demonstration in support of the Zan Bill in Milan was clear: “The real goals are gender self-certification and the right to rent a womb”. “The Zan law”, you said, “is a law of perspective that looks to the future"”. The next step is “Law 40, which leaves behind single women who cannot access assisted fertilization. We want the revision of the now ancient law 164/82 on transition paths (obtaining free gender self-certification). We want a season of rights in which we talk about Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP) and surrogacy of maternity (GPA), and the recognition of the sons and daughters of rainbow families. The Zan Bill is just the beginning ".

If the Zan Bill passes this road will open up.


The defense of homolesbotransphobia is only a pretext to erase the material dimension of bodies and sexual difference, to erase the woman, expropriate her from procreation and occupy her spaces, to speed up the steps to block puberty in increasingly younger groups, to strengthen gender stereotypes, to make gender neutral ideology penetrate schools with unicorns and neutral pronouns, to legalize the rented uterus, to extend Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP) for all, to cancel the mother - she from which we come into the world - stating that we are born of two fathers or two mothers, to artificialize procreation with “transhuman” pregnancies and artificial wombs.


The LGBTQ + rights agenda has become a powerful force, its supporters are at the top of the media, academia, politics and especially Big Business, Big Philanthropy and Big Tech.


The concept of gender identity and the neutral body prepare the way for the construction of the posthuman cyborg to go definitively to constitute a neutral, fluid and unlimitedly modifiable humanity. The desire to erase all limits and, in fact, erase the material reality of bodies, represents a meeting point between transfeminism, queer and transhumanism to normalize the genetic modification of bodies.


Women and the body of women become a terrain of appropriation and conflict, but in this terrain we will not yield anything, as the stakes are a transformation - anthropological and ontological mutation of the human being.


First signatories:
Silvia Guerini
Cristiana Pivetti
Roberta Trucco
Emanuela Risso

Adhesions to the communique followed

About a year ago, the Zan Bill against homobilesbotransphobia was approved in the House of Duputates. On 27 October, the approval process for the law was blocked in the Senate. But stay alert, the direction at the European level as well as at the international level is clear: “gender identity”, gender neutral ideology, artificial reproduction towards a post-human and post-nature world.

Communique in Italian: